The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
CADC Homepage

The MiMeS Project: Proprietary Data Access

MiMeS Data Access Help: Forms

Form Summary

Most "fields" in the query form consist of three parts: a label, a check box, and a text box or selection box. First, enter any parameters in the appropriate text boxes or select desired options in the selection boxes. The more entries you make, the more restrictive is your search of the database. Make sure you do NOT select both an object and a coordinate - choose one or the other.

To include a field in the resulting tabular output from the submitted query, click on the check box beside that field. Several of these are selected by default. "Deselect" the check box if you do not want these items listed in the output.

To retrieve particular data sets simply click on the "Mark" column of the desired observation(s) and click the "Request Marked Datasets" button. You can select every observation in the table by clicking the "MarkAll" button.

Constraining a Query

  • Specifying your query constraints.
  • Specifying the search box for coordinate.
  • Submitting your query
  • Want more info on each retrieved records?

  • Specifying Query Constraints.

    The query forms contain many entries like this:

    Exp.Time....... :

    The following operators are available to constrain the content of the fields:
    Less than.
    Greater than.
    Less than or equal to.
    Greater than or equal to.
    Not equal to.
    Equal to (=NGC will be translated to *NGC*, i.e. wild cards before and after )
    As = but ignoring case.
    Exact match (No wild-cards)
    Wild-card in strings ( A*B will match AB, AxB, AxxxxB, etc. ).
    A range of values (ex.: 234.56 .. 678.9 ).
    Will match any of the specified expressions. e.g. "=123 | > 5000 | < 1" and "==partnerCal | ==progCal"

    For example, to select all exposures with exposure times greater than 500 seconds you would enter:

    Exp.Time....... :

    The default (no operator) will be interpreted like '~*your-text*'

    Some fields have a fixed set of possible values from which you can choose.
    Component...... :

    Choose "Any" to provide no constraint on such fields.

    Specifying the search box for coordinates

    In most catalogues, it is not feasible to search directly by target names since there is no standard for naming astronomical targets. We strongly suggest that users use the SIMBAD/NED resolver instead. Then any known astronomical name can be used with the name resolver providing the coordinates.

    To specify the size of the search box around these coordinates a box size (DD MM SS) must be specified. The default box size is 10 arc minutes.

    Submitting your query

    To get the result of your query you have to submit it. At the top and at the bottom of the query form you will see a set of buttons like this :

    In order to to submit your request press the "Search" button. If you want to reset all of the fields back to their original values simply press the "Reset" button.

    Want more info on each retrieved records?

    For each result returned by your query, clicking on the "Data" link enables the user to view and retrieve any data available for this particular object.